Health and Safety at Santa Fe
At Santa Fe Centers, the health and safety of our families, children and staff are our highest priority. In addition to the standard health and safety procedures we have in place, we will continue to stay in communication with local and state authorities regarding guidance related to COVID-19. Everything we do meets, and in many cases even exceeds the state’s requirements. As part of this commitment to all of our families and staff, we are:
- Promoting healthy hygiene practices with even more frequent handwashing
- Taking temperatures of all children and staff as well as limiting adults inside the building
- Intensifying cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation in all rooms and with all toys
- Practice social distancing, keeping classes separated and maximizing outdoor play
- Limit sharing of children’s belongings
- Continuing to train all staff
It is critical that we remain flexible, monitor and communicate all available developments and policies from local authorities, and work together as a childcare center and home network to keep us all safe and healthy. Our protocols are always subject to change based on the safety and input of staff and families as well as directives from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, the CDC and local/state/federal authorities.
Above are only some of the protocols we have in place. Please feel free to contact us for a copy of our detailed guidelines.